Looking for the Perfect Candidate — Getting a foot in the door

By Roy Rassi,
Talent Acquisition Specialist

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Congratulations! Your résumé has been retained by one of our recruiters. What happens next? Let’s start with the preinterview, interview and recruitment process.

For the candidate, what are the stages of an interview process?

Keep in mind that the structure of the interview constantly changes according to our client’s needs. Some positions require only one interview, others require two, some might even require three plus a tour of the premises prior to recruitment. 

All of these methods are good. They are defined by the customer to ensure that the chosen candidate meets their expectations. Whenever possible, we let our candidates know what the structure will be so that they are fully prepared for their interview. 

Whatever the interview structure is, in most cases, however, as in our own, it all starts with a preinterview with someone from our recruitment department. As recruiters, we want you to know beforehand what we are looking for so you know what to expect.

Why a preinterview?

Either by phone, in person or in groups, a preinterview allows our recruitment department to determine if a candidate has all the required skills identified by our clients. It also gives us more details about what we had already identified in the candidate’s résumé and job profile. The preinterview gives the candidate the opportunity to explain in greater detail past work experience, including experiences and situations that were not included in the résumé.

A preinterview allows us to further describe the job offer along with specifics that were not included in the job description. It helps us ensure that the candidate is comfortable with the job description and other conditions of employment. Here are a few examples:

  • Is the candidate comfortable with the fact that it is a contract base position?
  • Do their salary expectations correspond to the salary offered by our clients?
  • Is the candidate ready to travel for their work?
  • Are they ready to be relocated?
  • What are the candidate’s goals for this position?
  • If the candidate is not qualified to move on to the next stage of the interview process, does their profile fit another job description?

It also helps us to determine precisely if the candidate has the specific skills and qualifications for the position for which they applied and allows the candidate to know immediately if their candidacy will be retained going into the next steps of the selection process. We know that searching for a job can be long and stressful for candidates. That is why we try to be as clear as possible at the preinterview stage. 

However, not being retained after a preinterview does not mean that the candidate is not suitable! It might simply mean that the candidate is better qualified for another job opportunity, and our role is to present it to them. 

What is the role of a recruiter?

Our role as a recruiter is quite simple: to offer our clients a simplified recruitment process by finding applicants with the best profile that meet their requirements, in the shortest time possible, while not wasting our candidates’ time by ensuring they:

  • Suit the required profile
  • Receive clear instructions on how to proceed to the next stages of the recruitment process
  • Fully understand the position they applied for and what it involves
  • Are comfortable with the conditions set out in the employment offer
  • Clearly understand what type of candidates we are looking for

What is the candidate’s role?

Our candidates also play an important part that goes beyond their performance during the interview. That is why, ideally, we ask them to be: 

  • Cooperative, flexible in organizing the preinterview (usually a 15- to 20-minute telephone conversation). Preferably, we would like to speak with you as soon as possible, and your flexibility will generally give you an extra edge in the process. 
  • Responsive during the next stage of the preinterview (organizing a second interview, for example)
  • Straightforward when disagreeing with the terms of the contract. We do not pass judgment; we simply want to know if the contract is right for you. It is best to find out immediately if the position suits you or not.
  • Comfortable in asking questions. While a preinterview helps us determine if you are suitable for the job, it is, however, the best time for you to ask questions. We might not have all the answers, but we will definitely follow up to answer your questions.

A preinterview is an interview conducted as a conversation. For us, a preinterview helps us to determine if you are the best candidate for a given position, but it also allows you to determine if the position is right for you. That is why the conversation needs to be open and honest. 

We hope this article has provided you with some insights into how the preinterview process is conducted, how to prepare yourself for it, but more importantly, so that you are confident in committing yourself to a position we sincerely hope you will find fulfilling and gives you satisfaction. 

What we would like you to remember from these two articles is the following: for us, finding the perfect candidate corresponds to finding the person who, at a specific moment in their career, meets our client’s needs at a specific moment of the company’s growth, no matter if the position is long-, short- or medium-term.

It is our duty as recruiters to establish, to the best of our abilities, a contact between candidates and potential employers. We always hope to be the bearer of good news to them both. 

Business People Waiting For Job Interview

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Table highlighting key aspects of getting a foot in the door during the hiring process:

Aspect Key Insights Value to Candidates
Preinterview Process Helps assess qualifications and clarify job expectations Provides insight and ensures role fit
Recruiter’s Role Facilitates the hiring process and matches candidates Simplifies application and enhances clarity
Candidate’s Role Being proactive, responsive, and honest during the process Builds trust and increases chances of success


Roy Rassi

By Roy Rassi,
Talent Acquisition Specialist